兼顾性能和美观的开源网址导航项目 dashy
version: "3.8" services: dashy: # To build from source, replace 'image: lissy93/dashy' with 'build: .' # build: . image: lissy93/dashy container_name: Dashy # Pass in your config file below, by specifying the path on your host machine volumes: - /data/dashy/config/dashy_conf.yml:/app/public/conf.yml - ./icons/png:/app/public/item-icons/ ports: - 4000:80 # Set any environmental variables environment: - NODE_ENV=production # Specify your user ID and group ID. You can find this by running `id -u` and `id -g` - UID=1000 - GID=1000 # Specify restart policy restart: unless-stopped # Configure healthchecks healthcheck: test: ['CMD', 'node', '/app/services/healthcheck'] interval: 1m30s timeout: 10s retries: 3 start_period: 40s |
appConfig: theme: colorful layout: auto iconSize: medium language: cn pageInfo: title: 虚拟的现实 description: Welcome to Virtual Reality Homelab navLinks: - title: Documentation path: https://wiki.waringid.me target: newtab footerText: '' sections: - name: Media & Entertainment icon: synology-video-station.png displayData: sortBy: default rows: 1 cols: 1 collapsed: false hideForGuests: false items: - &ref_0 title: Plex Video icon: plex.png url: target: newtab id: 0_1956_plexvideo - &ref_1 title: qBittorrent icon: qbittorrent.png url: target: newtab id: 1_1956_qbittorrent - &ref_2 title: Music icon: navidrome.png url: target: newtab id: 2_1956_music - &ref_3 title: 'Photo ' icon: immich.png url: https://photo.waringid.me target: newtab id: 3_1956_photo filteredItems: - *ref_0 - *ref_1 - *ref_2 - *ref_3 - name: Network & Server icon: opnsense.png displayData: sortBy: default rows: 1 cols: 2 collapsed: false hideForGuests: false items: - &ref_4 title: Router icon: router.png url: target: newtab id: 0_1479_router - &ref_5 title: DNS icon: pi-hole.png url: target: newtab id: 1_1479_dns - &ref_6 title: Esxi Host icon: vmware-esxi.png url: target: newtab id: 2_1479_esxihost - &ref_7 title: Status Moniter icon: graylog.png url: https://status.waringid.me target: newtab id: 3_1479_statusmoniter - &ref_8 title: Web Security icon: cloudflare-zero-trust.png url: target: newtab id: 4_1479_websecurity - &ref_9 title: Synology icon: synology-dsm.png url: target: newtab id: 5_1479_synology - &ref_10 title: SSO Login icon: shellhub.png url: https://sso.waringid.me target: newtab id: 6_1479_ssologin - &ref_11 title: Nginx Proxy icon: nginx-proxy-manager.png url: target: newtab id: 7_1479_nginxproxy filteredItems: - *ref_4 - *ref_5 - *ref_6 - *ref_7 - *ref_8 - *ref_9 - *ref_10 - *ref_11 - name: Productivity icon: dashboard-icons.png displayData: sortBy: default rows: 1 cols: 1 collapsed: false hideForGuests: false items: - &ref_12 title: WIKI icon: atlassian-confluence.png url: https://wiki.waringid.me target: newtab id: 0_1302_wiki - &ref_13 title: Yunpan icon: seafile.png url: https://yunpan.waringid.me target: newtab id: 1_1302_yunpan - &ref_14 title: Dev Tool icon: c.png url: https://tools.waringid.me target: newtab id: 2_1302_devtool filteredItems: - *ref_12 - *ref_13 - *ref_14 |